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Vehicle Valuation

By Autovista
Valid for CRM360
In France
Autovista Nextlane partner

Up to date data for trade-in : identify precisly the cars you buy and get them at the right price

By connecting to Autovista data, you can make offers for new vehicles and trade-ins of used vehicles in a structured and precise way.
It supports a consistent buying process across your sales team.


Key Features

  • Specification with technical details and additional equipment. The service also provides detailed build rules and CO2 emissions data
  • Valuation with up-to-date and reliable values on the entire car and light commercial vehicle market
  • Identification with VIN or licence plate

Key Benefits

  • Specification : this is the ideal solution for a multi-brand new car configurator
  • Valuation : Up to date and market driven data allow you to buy and sell at the right price
  • Precise identification save time, avoid manual error. Identifying the correct vehicle is essential to determining the right price


Autovista is a provider of data and business intelligence services focused on automotive data, analytics and industry insights. Autovista is present in all main European countries.